Monday, March 31, 2008

one more cutie

Portrait Parties are all the rage... I'd love to share the details with you. Earn credit towards your own portrait purchases and spend time with good friends while your children are photographed in your own environment! We can do princess or whatever you would like. I have a huge selection of fun hats to choose from to make all the kids look different. Let's talk!

Latest Cutie...

These are some images from the recent Princess Party I photographed! They were so much fun to photograph...we had a blast. Consider a Portrait Party! Call me for details.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

I recently entered prints in the Mid-East States competition through Professional Photographers of America and came home with TWO blue ribbons! These prints will now go to National competition and will then compete for either Loan prints or General Collection prints. I was so excited I cried. These merit prints aren't easy to come by and I never dreamed of one, let alone TWO. The images are from a fall trip to Yosemite, where I went to the spot that Ansel Adams shot his first image and did the same image in Technicolor, thus the title, "Yosemite in Technicolor." The second image was from our trip to Maui last winter when we were hiking inside the volcano. It was from a very colorful part of the volcano, rounding a cinder cone named Pele's Paintpot. An awesome experience and awesome print.
I'll have photos soon of me with the ear to ear grin with the ribbons, but until then, here's the winning images to enjoy!

Recent AWARDS!!